Blue Eyes


like father like son
the blue of my forever
twin pieces of sky

My gorgeous husband and son, my family, my world. Visit One Deep Breath for more colorful haikus.


Filed under Marriage, Motherhood, Pictures, Writings

8 responses to “Blue Eyes

  1. gorgeous indeed! and lovely haiku

  2. You must be so blessed. Perfect haiku.

  3. Sandy

    What a delightful poem and photo! It makes me smile.

  4. The photo is amazing but your words captured my heart. Fantastic haiku!!!!!

  5. rel

    The “eyes” have it.

  6. ok, now you really make me long for a son. Man, this was simply beautiful. Twin souls of you and your son.

  7. Love it! Funny how those genes work, huh?

  8. Amazing picture. You captured so much emotion.

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