Notes from a post-call Sunday

Snow always looks prettier when you’re watching it from a warm, dry place. Even more enticing if you’re looking out at it from the hallway at the hospital where you’ve spent the last 28 hours.

When you are on call and you know it’s going to snow overnight, wearing open-top shoes are probably not a good idea, because there are only so many snowplows and a lot of sidewalk.

And if you are wearing shoes which do not cover the tops of your feet, and you are walking through unplowed parking lots, it’s helpful to remember where you parked. This saves you not just time but also helps head off a post-call meltdown.

Prairie Home Companion is probably the best thing on the radio. Particularly when you’re really tired and heading home to your family. Love it.

The only thing better than a post-call nap is a post-call nap with a two and half year old wearing the same Batman jammies he’s had on for the past 36 hours, and who smells like the peanut butter sandwich he just finished eating for lunch.

Sometimes pepperoni, cheese, crackers and apple slices are just enough for dinner. Especially eaten on the couch next to the same two and a half year old (wearing the same Batman jammies) while watching football.

Sleep is good. Time at home with my family is better.

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Filed under Medicine, Motherhood

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